Sunday, July 10, 2016


"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - phrase of prevention (it's easier to stop something from happening in the first place than to repair the damage after it has happened.)
On the current evolving world, we notice many things. Magnificent pieces of art, vast collection of knowledge and so much more. But amongst all the many things we found, we notice but the littlest imperfections they might bring out. Unto to this final arc of our blog, we shall explore the imperfections, no, the “violations” these things have existedly done. Scoping to the works of building and their indebt technicalities, and how the following codes are being neglected and ignored when in fact, they are of great vital importance that must continually exist for it is a “must-have” unto every infrastructure requirement regard. 

Once again, a brief generalization of what main idea this blog is, we are highlighting the 12th chapter of the national building code here in the Philippines ranging from its first five sections and how they are relevant to one another. Mainly, these chapters focuses on the general safety not only to man, but of the shelter/infrastructure the man is currently on, or on how man has built it to provide its purpose unto its utmost condition.

The Section 1201 of Chapter XII is all about the General Requirements. In this section of the building code, it was elaborated that any infrastructure must undergo tight and certain confirmation of safety and just foundation test to be able to be given the verification that the structure is usable for the consumers or clients need. This verification is to be given by the civil engineer given that they are the one to test the justness of the building to be undergoing formal protocols or series of tests.
exhibit 1 (sec. 1201)
exhibit 2 (sec.1201)

Possible violations of this section 1201 may include, negation of undergoing building inspections under the supervision of a legit civil engineer. And continuing to operate the said existing infrastructure.

In Section 1202, it is said that whatever activity like digging for the building that should be constructed, must not put any life in danger. 
Excavation should not affect the safety, thus if excavation affects safety, the person who is responsible for causing the excavation shall be responsible for the expense of extending the foundation of the structure. There are excavation risks such as, cave-ins, collapse of spoil soil, falling into excavation, water and flooding, that should be avoided.
exhibit 1(sec.1202)

Second, violations highlighted was on the section 1202 of the chapter XII of the NBC. Indicating the concept of the section, mainly about the foundations, excavation and construction safety protocols and precautions.

exhibit 2(sec.1202)

This violates the rule under the section 1202 that states that footings and foundation shall be of the appropriate type, of adequate size, and capacity in order to safely sustain the superimposed loads under any conditions of external forces that may affect the safety or stability of the structure.
The Section 1203. Veneer, is said to be a thin layer of wood or other material that is glued to a surface for decorative purposes. In this section, it indicates that usage of veneers whether for ornamentation, protection or enclosure should follow specific design requirements. This shows that veneers aren’t that simple to use and a certain process of installation should be strictly complied.
exhibit 1(sec.1203)

The image in exhibit 1 (sec.1203). An improper installation of a stainless steel veneer flashing is portrayed through this image. The edge is being tied down from the face of the wall. This allows water that collects on the flashing to run around the edge of the flashing and back into the wall.
The Section 1204, infrastructures having elevators must have a sufficient means of ventilation through the main roof of the building given that the said construction must acquire the primary precautionary actions in case of fire. The said construction must also be aided with enough numbers of automatic sprinklers with distances ranging from not less than 1.80 m center to center. Placements of chutes and other installations for ventilation and water systems must not hinder the main entrances and exits of the building.
exhibit 1(sec.1204)
In exhibit 1 (sec.1204), the said picture is a violation again proper ducting system in which greatly gives great accord to the concern on proper ventilation system. Every ventilation must acquire a "clean-cut" or neat passage and not crooked or unorganized flow or arrangement. Proper exits on the given ventilation (sprinklers, ducts, chutes, smoke detectors, etc.) must be allocated separately to provide its utmost function and easy maintenance and accessible access. 
The section 1205. The very surface we step foot on in buildings is as self-explanatory as it is integral to the entire building envelope. Floors, just like ceilings, walls—are governed under law by codes and articles to ensure safety as early as from planning stage, to the construction stage, up until turnover.
exhibit 1(sec.1205)
This section are to be given of great consideration and caution, by ensuring every element; girders, beams, type of construction, material specifications, and such. The said image is a violation of unsure measurents that the corners of the structure do not meet, hence the failure of the current law. 

Keep in mind the said intro quote and you will then be guided. For all of the practicing and also professional designer protectionists, do not forget the must pointers to have a very "not only beautiful design, but also greatly careful." A great design isn't good enough.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with the statement about prevention is better than cure. To prevent accidents from happening, it is important to abide by the building code because violting the building code has its consequence.


  3. They have clearly shown the different violations of the chapters that they are assigned to in the building code. They have greatly emphasize that "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" which i agree. We must religiously follow building code to promote safety for the end users of the building
